#BlackMedia #BlackTech // I got my LLC last month. I am a bonafide media/telecomm business now. I should be able to celebrate, but…it comes at a weird time, as I’m redefining the services I provide.
Providing my web, graphic and audio services hasn’t been sustainable. I’m not trying to make content for free or very little AND struggle to make ends meet, and not be listened to. Often times my own community sees me as the help and rarely the talent, and going outside the community means leaving others behind.
For selfish gain, at the cost of possibly other businesses, projects and individuals within community orgs and creative education failing because I never have backup or a substitute. And my gut tells me no one cares, and even if they did, very few would/could help or learn to do what is needed.
I’ll figure out a solution, although I don’t know what it is just yet. AI could help, but that costs money, takes jobs and kills the planet. People could help, but that takes dedication many won’t/can’t provide.
I’m hoping my YouTube channels and online stores can help me in funding what this solution will be. I’m taking the chances on me this time. And people will believe I’m right when I make that “colonizer money” without having to colonize.
If you know other Black Techs or Black Media who produce and are paying their bill, please point me in their direction so I can learn, sustain and contribute.
Thank you for reading this if you did. Appreciate your patience and time.